Another year has come to a close. It seems like just yesterday we were making our 2018 new years resolutions! Looking back on the year, we’ve come a long way - it has been a year of growth, reflection and victories. But the one constant throughout the year was our mission to be customer-focused. Here's what we did in the past year.
In 2018...

We got bigger
In 2017, we only had linen fabrics. Since then, we’ve doubled our fabric collection by adding our Organic Cotton and Blended Linen fabric lines at the request of our B&W customers.

And better
One of our biggest goals was to better our quality control process based on the feedback we received from our customers. Our new quality control process includes individual checks by three different personnel before the order is shipped - because our customers deserve the best.

We found great partners
To introduce our Organic Cotton line, we sought out and partnered with a GOTS certified organic cotton mill. We also found a partner to produce our soon-to-be-announced roller shades which we’ll launch in the months to come.

Made some new friends
We worked with Kristin Laing, Homme Boys, and Sacramento Street just to name a few - you can check out our Instagram and blog for more.

Image of Planty McPlanter, our newest intern, completing swatch orders.
And found brilliant minds to join our team
Our team grew by four heads this past year, with two bright interns who brought us lots of great ideas.
All thanks to you.
Above all, we continue to be blown away by the support of our Barn & Willow family. Barn & Willow is now on 30K+ windows, giving privacy, insulation and aesthetic to homes across the world.
Thank you to all of you who have come along this journey with us, supported us, and cheered us on. We’re thankful to have such wonderful people believe in us. 2019 will be another year growth, excitement, and making waves in the window treatment industry - we hope to see you there!