Cassandra LaValle, founder of lifestyle brand Coco Kelley, has grown and evolved her platform in order to dish out the hottest original ideas in approaching interiors, travel, food, fashion and more. Cassandra aims to embody the coco+kelley philosophy: Life is in the details. Style accordingly.
We sat down with Cassandra for our View From Here series to talk about her home in Seattle, how she’s successfully merged the styles which have inspired her, and of course, her favorite view in the house.
Tell us about yourself. When did your love for interiors begin?
When we moved to Seattle from LA when I was 10, it was the first time I had my own room, and I got to decorate it however I wanted… I chose a horrible lilac paint, and a floral monet-esque duvet. I was hooked.
Tell us the story about your Seattle home…or the story you’d like it to tell someday.
Our home is a work in progress - as most homes are. My husband purchased this house about seven years ago, and I moved into only three years ago, so I’m still in the process of making it a home that feels like both of ours! Some of those projects have been huge (we recently gutted and totally renovated our kitchen!), and some have been small touches. Marrying the styles and history of two people is no small task!
Shop Cassandra's look with Belgian Flax curtains in Natural.
Laura Ingalls Wilder once said, “Home is the nicest word there is”. We tend to agree. Describe your home in three words.
Welcoming, fresh, and collected.
When it comes to styling your home, what’s most important to you?
While I can definitely be a type A ‘everything has its place’ kind of person, I usually reserve that for when I’m actually styling a shoot, not as much at home. Yes, the house is styled, but we also live in it, and that’s the most important piece to me - that it feels livable, functional, and fun to be in!
For me personally, it’s important that my home feel light in every possible way. Seattle can be dark and gloomy, and I’m a sunshine girl, so I’ve tried to bring that feel into the decor of the house. I don’t love tons of color, but I like touches of it. I’ve discovered that I really need a bit of it to help me feel energized! Blues and yellows are my current favorites.
How would you describe the style of your home?
I grew up in California, and I feel like I’ve always brought that upbringing with me. I was the only child amongst lots of grown ups when I was young, and I remember going to my parents’ friends houses who I loved. They were painted in white, Mediterranean style, had views of the ocean or big backyards that flowed right into the house. They had piles of sea glass, and lots of texture. Our own home was super eclectic but not what I would call boho in today’s terms. More ‘global’ style. I’ve kept all that in me and made it my own, along with a bit more of a classic touch.
One quirky or weird thing that sort of defines your space (if there is one)
In the living room, I guess the only quirk that I’ve had to deal with is our massive windows! I love them, but they limit things a bit. There’s really only one wall that anything can go on - art, the TV, shelves… so I had to get creative with the layout in here! It’s definitely centered around the TV. Someday, I hope we can switch it up a bit.
Ah, and I recently bought that huge farmhouse table (blog) on a whim and decided to put it in the living room! It’s a source of contention because some people really don’t think it fits and some people totally get why I love it. I think there’s room for both opinions, and I’m not sure it will stay there forever, but for now it’s where it goes!
Are there any rehab or DIY projects that you’ve taken on since you moved in? (again, see above!).
In the living room, I haven’t done any major updating, but the floors will need it eventually! I’m hoping to tackle the entryway at some point because the wood is so worn where the entry flows into the living room. I think a fun tile project will be in order!
What’s your favorite object in your home?
Ah! Don’t make me pick!! Funny enough, I think most of my favorite things in my home are small items that have great memories associated with them. Little pieces that I’ve picked up on my travels.. And my art. I love our original art! I’ve been on a bit of a kick lately, and I want to add waaaaaay more.
What room or space do you spend the most time in and why?
The breakfast nook - it’s where I work when I’m working from home! The kitchen in general really. Cooking meals and entertaining is my happy place.
We like to think there’s that one view for a person (in their home) that is a truly sacred place, be it out your front door or through kitchen window. Tell us about your favorite view from here in your home.
Our front window! Especially in the spring. It puts on the best show of flowers. The trees out front change from Magnolia to Dogwood, and then in late summer we have a huge climbing rose that blooms. It’s my favorite!