It’s time to clean your window treatments, and you’re here because you aren’t sure how exactly you should do it. Cleaning methods depend on the fabric type due to some being more delicate than others. Match your fabric type with the ones listed below and get cleaning!

Hot Tip:
Pleated material should always be dry cleaned! Even if the fabric itself can be machine washed, the delicate stitching may come apart with machine washing or even hand washing.
Wool and Cashmere
Hand these babies to the dry cleaner. They're very delicate and are not made for machine or hand washing.
If they are unlined, drapes made with cotton can be hand or machine washed. If they are lined, they must be dry cleaned as to not ruin the lining.
Synthetic Fabrics
These shouldn't be dry cleaned because dry cleaning solvents can often degrade synthetic fabrics. You can hand or machine wash these or even find a professional service that handles synthetic fabrics.
Silk Curtains
These should be hand washed with mild dishwashing soap and very gentle movements. Hang them up to dry. You can use this process with other delicate fabrics as well.
Sheer curtains
Sheer curtains need to be cleaned often because you run the risk of experiencing discoloration if too much time passes in between cleanings. Sheer fabric is delicate and so should be soaked in cold water with a mild detergent. You can use a machine, but only with the gentlest cycle. Likewise, you can use a dryer but with no heat and an added soft terry cloth towel to help soak up the moisture.Hot Tip:
If you are choosing to wash your drapes, a good safety precaution to take is to take a small hidden section of the drapery and dip it in a bowl of warm water and detergent to see if the color bleeds. If it does, or if the material seems to be damaged, then it is best to take it to the dry cleaner instead.