7 Things You Have at Home that are a Total Waste of Space

Spring is almost here, which means it’s time to clear some of the clutter out of your life. Instead of scheduling – and avoiding – a marathon cleaning session, consider starting off the season by simply throwing out all of the old stuff you’re hanging onto to help clear up your home — and headspace. 

So in honor of spring-cleaning time, we put together a list of household items that are probably more expendable then you think. From almost-empty bottles of shampoo to obsolete electronics, here are seven things you need to toss, donate, or throw out—STAT.

shampoo, organization, clutter

Image via The Pastiche

1. Almost empty bottles in your bathroom

If you’re anything like me, then chances are you’re hoarding at least a half a dozen almost-empty bottles of hair products in your bathroom. Do yourself a favor and either wash your hair with them ASAP or send them straight to the recycling bin—and free up some much-needed storage space.

2. Unopened mail

If you haven’t made a habit of tossing out your unimportant snail mail, then now’s the time to take action. Send that pile of unopened credit card applications and already-paid bills to the shredder and enroll in online bill-paying instead.

garment rack, organization

Image via Style Me Pretty

3. Clothes you haven’t worn in over a year

Let’s face it: You and your leopard print mini-skirt have a lot of great memories together, but you haven’t worn it in years and you probably aren’t going to again. Pare down your closet by selling or donating anything that you haven’t worn in over a year, and make room for a new and improved wardrobe.

4. Old tupperware

Tupperware: Can’t save leftovers without it, but can’t ever find the room to store it either. Clear out some of your kitchen cabinet clutter and recycle any stained, scratched, or old plasticware you’re sitting on. Plastic containers are porous and can harbor gross germs, so experts suggest getting rid of them at the first sign of even the slightest wear and tear.

makeup, clutter, organization

Image via Style Me Pretty

5. Old makeup

Like it or not, many of your favorite beauty products have a surprisingly short lifespan — especially eye makeup. Spare yourself of a future eye infection by tossing any eyeliner, mascara, or shadow you’ve had for more than six months, as well as any foundations, creams, powders, or lipsticks that are over a year old.

6. Obsolete electronics

Look, we get it: It’s hard to let go of your beloved DVD player and DVDS. But if you’re a habitual streamer or own a Smart TV, chances are your outdated electronics are just taking up valuable storage space at home.

7. Expired condiments

Sure you paid ten bucks for that organic teriyaki sauce two years ago, but if it’s past its expiration date then it’s time to say adios. Along with occupying some much-needed space in your fridge and kitchen cabinet, dressing your dinner up with an expired condiment won’t taste very good.